
Albl & Frech Rechtsanwälte OG
Address: Rooseveltplatz 4-5 / 8, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Commercial register number: FN 570393 p, Commercial Court Vienna
Legal form: General partnership
UID: ATU77576678

Tel.: +43664/9166588

Object of the company: Practice of law including all necessary auxiliary activities.
Partners with unlimited liability and power of representation:
Alexander Albl, LL.M. and Moriz Frech, LL.M.
Professional title: Attorneys at Law
Chamber: Registered with the Vienna Bar Association under P112147
Professional regulations: RAO, RL-BA, DSt
Supervisory authority: Vienna Bar Association

This website is aimed at existing and prospective clients as well as interested parties. The content of our website serves to present Albl & Frech Rechtsanwälte OG.

Website und CI: Julian Meninger

© 2022 Albl & Frech Rechtsanwälte OG